Welcome to PSM Driving

Have you downloaded and logged into the total drive app?

Your log in details should be sent to you shortly.

Shared DVSA check code?

To start driving lessons we have to check your driving licence online before the first lesson. You will need to follow the instructions to share your driving licence: https://www.gov.uk/view-driving-licence

We will need the DVSA check code and the last 8 characters from your licence number.

Once you have the code, please send the information to your assigned instructor.

Terms & Conditions

Please read through the terms and conditions below:

Click here

Data Protection

Under the Data Protection Act 2018, the driving school will only:

  • collect information that they need for a specific purpose
  • keep it secure
  • ensure it is relevant and up to date
  • only keep as much as they need, and only for as long as needed
  • allow the client to see information they have

All personal information and details given to the driving school is used to deliver the service intended and records are kept strictly confidential. Occasionally your information may need to be shared with third parties, in order for us to provide you with the requested service.
CCTV/dashcams may be used to record inside and outside of the vehicle, for safety of Yourself and others. Recordings may be used for training purposes and for the use on social media.
For further information or to opt out please ask your instructor for details.

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